Sunday, July 28, 2013

Teaching: One of the most demanding and dynamic of professions

I had the privilege of attending the It's a Learners' World: Mapping a New Landscape Conference organised by Learning Network NZ on the 25th and 26th July and what a fantastic experience this was.

Keynote speakers included: Lee Crockett, Perry Rush and Joan Dalton.

What I've learned from Lee Crockett:
  • Change is a difficult thing - Reality check ahead
  • TTWWADI (That's The Way We've Always Done It), without giving a thought why we do it - this have serious impacts on years to come
  • Things change quickly in education - we need to examine our TTWWADI
  • No correlation between homework and achievement in younger ages
  • It's a scary thought - our classroom structures have not change much in a hundred years
  • We are providing our kids with an education for work that can be done by automation - How will we change this?
  • Make students the spotlight of their learning - teach them how to learn
  • In the next few year, people who need managing will no longer be employable
  • Our kids will look at the iPad as archaic technology - How are we preparing them for the world that is their future?
  • If we do not change the way we teach, then we prepare our kids not for their future but for our past
  • When the rate of change outside an organisation is greater than the change inside the end is near
  • What will you change in your classroom or school to prepare your learners for the scope and pace of change? How will you keep up?
  • Eyes process visuals faster than text - 80% information comes through our eyes. We can communicate so much more with visuals - we're designed to be visual learners
  • Stretch your thinking - take baby steps - choose 1 action you're going to take, starting right now!

What I've learned from Perry Rush:
  • The learning Purpose in the 21st Century - enable the individual to be fulfilled to their satisfaction
  • Build capability to be successful in the 21st knowledge economy
  • Children can spot the teachers who are prepared to journey with them
  • Be quiet and listen to kids to re-craft teaching to the next appropriate place
  • We need to take our students to places they don't know they don't know about
  • Knowledge is a process not a 'thing' - it happens in teams not in individuals
  • You need to be able to do things with what you know - Learning and knowledge are a verb, it's what our kids DO with this knowledge
  • Teach understanding of knowledge, not just knowing. Foster understanding, growing meaning about the world
  • Minds are resources that can be connected to other resources in order to generate knowledge
  • Remember the Revised Curriculum:'s_Keynote.pdf
  • Teaching in the 21st C

What I've learned from Joan Dalton:

It's not what you know, but what you do with what you know that makes a difference.

Other sessions attended and learning included:

                                                        Photo by Michael Fawcett

What change will I make? What is my 'baby step'?
  • I will start by moving towards creating a Modern Learning Environment and focus on personalised learning as the Key Competencies will be visible in this

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