Friday, January 15, 2016

School Transformation and Leading Change (Week 8)

Digital & Collaborative Learning (DCL) - School Transformation

Overarching Question: How do we ensure education evolves to reflect the needs of today and tomorrow?

Group Discussion:

  • Draw a concept map of your own educational philosophy (using Coggle)
  • Contribute to the shared vision statement Padlet for your location

We looked at some Common and Distinctive themes

Homework Reflection:
  • Explore your responses to the homework reading (from Ha-Joon Chang) by using the '5 why's'
Conclusion and our 'why's'
why happening at all
why more in rich countries
why a higher number in machinery
why is it ok to not get a qualification (why do they not see the need) 
why does it mean the 'stacker' don't have to have an education
why making choices to go into part time e.g. stacking shelves

  • Choose a video from this week’s LDC Portal and discuss the values of education which underpin these views.

Reform for 2 reasons  economic, cultural
Divergent thinking not the same as creativity (ability to see lots of answers, think laterally)
Parental attitude could be a problem

We also watched "An open letter to Educators" by Dan Brown
Conclusion: If schools were to 'survive' we need to cater to/for the future. Knowledge is not highly valuable anymore. What is important is the skills to access and apply the knowledge.

There is a need to adapt for the Future-focused learner and the need to challenge our habits and mindset.

Group discussion
What is the ministry's vision for New Zealand education in 2025? Education in 2025

Page 1: What does 'Anton' tell us about lifelong learning as opposed to school based learning?
Learning centers, learn from parents, peers, whanau. digitally connected,
Learning available online, does not stop at school gate

Page 2: What does "LEAD WITH PEDAGOGY, ACCELERATE WITH TECHNOLOGY' actually mean? What is (if anything) is missing from the ministry's vision?
Learner's don't always have to be digital connected
Not STEM, but STE(A)M putting a in for arts
Cultural responsiveness? Relational pedagogy missing - self believe?

Leadership in Digital & Collaborative Learning (LDC) - Leading Change

Fullen's 'Six secrets of Change' was mentioned and here is his view on change management.

Change does not happen in a vacuum. It happens in the context of:
1. Multiple stakeholders (Who are they in education?)
2. Strategies (What is your school's strategic vision?)
3. Evidence (How do you find evidence to support and monitor change?)

To remember:
Build capacity 
Bridge gap 
Have ownership after change happened
Most powerful - learning from peers

  • Critique the 'principal's letter' from the perspective of change management
After critiquing the letter from the principal regarding introducing BYOD we came to the conclusion:
He has not limited the number of changes
Did not mention strategic goals
No justification of change based on evidence
Potential risks not identified
No robust evidence suggested
(none of bullet points were considered)

  • Collaboratively create a change management strategy document for a topic of your choice

'New word learnt':
'Learnacy' (new term - part of agency) ability to learn or skills to be learn (formative/metacognitive)

~ "Great leaders are prepared for the winds of change" - Reed B Markham ~

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